Update: The Facebook Logout begins on Wednesday November 10, 2021 and lasts until Saturday November 13, 2021.
We are sending our message. Without us, Facebook is nothing!
Artists Steuer and Davis have created a new piece of art to decorate your page after you log out.
Download the Steuer/Davis Logout graphic here.
Tag it with #TheFacebookLogout and #FireZuck.
Update: The Protest Facebook campaign is thrilled by this gift of original art from SF artist Sharon Steuer and Flora Davis. Download this poster/graphic for your Facebook mobilizing.
The artists add “Feel free to download these posters to share on social media, and/or to print out and post. Please tag with: #StopHateForProfit #FacebookHateGroups #RussianInterference #CoronavirusDisinformation #BlackLivesMatter #CambridgeAnalytica #WhenTheLootingStartsTheShootingStarts #FinePeopleOnBothSides #CitizensUnited #stopzuck. Created by Sharon Steuer <https://sharonsteuer> @sharonsteuer, and Flora Davis <https://floradavis.myportfolio.com/> @floralindadavis.To request a custom size or resolution, please send a message to sharonsteuer.com/contact“

Whether it’s racist rhetoric by Donald Trump, disinformation about the coronavirus, or lies in ads by political campaigns, Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg have failed to act. Their unwillingness to stop Facebook from being used to do harm is inflaming racial hatred and inciting human rights violations. It also has the potential to disrupt the 2020 elections.
Enough is enough! A growing chorus of organizations is calling on corporations to stop advertising on Facebook until the company changes its ways. Please join us in urging these corporations to use the power of the purse to insist that Facebook protect the public from lies, hate, and disinformation on its platform.
This toolkit tells you how to easily reach out to a baker’s dozen of major Facebook advertisers who have not yet signed on to the boycott.

- Sample tweets
- Sample Facebook posts
- Sample email
- Sample phone script
- Contact information for top Facebook advertisers and their corporate HQs
Your outreach can make a difference! You’ll be joining with the thousands of people who are working to @detox_Facebook by contacting companies through Twitter as well as supporting the new Stop Hate for Profit campaign being led by organizations like Free Press, Color of Change, and Sleeping Giants. Working together, we can generate enough financial pressure to make Facebook rethink its inadequate response to viral disinformation and hatred on its platform.
Who We Are
#ProtestFacebook is a San Francisco Bay-Area based coalition that seeks to influence Facebook’s policies right here in the company’s own backyard through nonviolent direct action and grassroots mobilizations. The coalition is anchored by two venerable Bay Area organizations, Media Alliance and Global Exchange, and supported by a dozen other local organizations. You can visit our website at www.protestfacebook.org.
Some of the Things We’ve Done:
January 9 protest at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Petition to Facebook with 50,00+ signatures in 3 days, President’s Day protest at Mark Zuckerberg’s San Francisco pied a terre, May 26 projection on Facebook’s SF building the night before annual shareholder’s meeting. June 10 webinar on stopping lies and hate on Facebook
Our Demands
- Facebook should refuse to sell political ads that blatantly lie, incite violence and hatred, and spread disinformation. Or stop selling political ads altogether through the duration of the 2020 presidential election.
- Facebook should end complex algorithmic microtargeting of political ads which weaponizes personal information to send inflammatory advertisements to those most likely to be triggered and impacted by them.
- Facebook should deny service to anyone seeking to engage in hateful activities or to disrupt the 2020 election.
Using Twitter
Sample tweet #1 [insert company’s twitter handle] – time to quit advertising on @Facebook until they stop letting hate, lies, racism, and disinformation run rampant. Facebook is putting our country and our democracy at risk. #detox_Facebook #wedontbuyhate #StopHateForProfit
Sample tweet#2 [insert company’s twitter handle] — time to stop advertising on @Facebook and be on the right side of history. Your ad money is enabling Facebook to be a megaphone for hatred, racism, and lies. Please use your financial power to get Facebook to change. #detox_Facebook #wedontbuyhate #StopHateForProfit
Twitter handles for major Facebook advertisers: @Nike, @Disney, @McDonalds, @ATT, @KFC, @Netflix, @Costco, @Tmobile, @AnheuserBusch, @IKEAUSA, @HBO, @Sony, @Dell
Using Facebook
You can post replies to any post on the advertiser’s Facebook page
Sample FB Reply Post #1 Why is [insert company name] still advertising on Facebook? Please join the other companies that are using their financial power to stop Facebook from being a megaphone for lies, hate, racism, and disinformation.
Sample FB Reply Post #2 I can’t imagine you want your company and its products to be associated with white supremacist rhetoric, disinformation about climate change, or lies about mail-in ballots. But this is exactly what your Facebook ads will be seen alongside if you continue to advertise on Facebook . Stop until they change their ways. #StopHateForProfit #wedontbuyhate
Nike on Facebook, Disney on Facebook, McDonalds on Facebook, ATT on Facebook, KFC on Facebook, Netflix on Facebook, Costco on Facebook, TMobile on Facebook, Anheuser Busch on Facebook, IKEA on Facebook, HBO on Facebook, Sony on Facebook, Dell on Facebook
Using Email
Subject: Stop the Lies and Hate on Facebook: Stop Advertising NOW
Dear [company name],
I’m writing to urge you to stop advertising on Facebook until it puts policies into place to stop lies, hate, and disinformation from running rampant on its platform.
Whether it’s racist rhetoric by Donald Trump, disinformation about the coronavirus, or lies in ads by political campaigns, Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg have failed to act. Their unwillingness to stop Facebook from being used to do harm is inflaming racial hatred and inciting human rights violations. It also has the potential to disrupt the 2020 elections.
I can’t imagine you want your company and its products to be associated with white supremacist rhetoric, disinformation about climate change, or lies about mail-in ballots. But this is exactly what your Facebook ads will be seen alongside if you continue to advertise on Facebook. Stop until they change their ways.
Please join the hundreds of Facebook employees who recently staged a virtual walkout, the Facebook moderators who penned an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, and the other companies that are refusing to finance Facebook.
Stop advertising on Facebook and be on the right side of history.
Using the Telephone
Sample phone script
Hi. My name is [your name], and I’m calling to urge you to stop [company name] from advertising on Facebook. Facebook is a threat to our country and to our democracy, and there’s almost no way to influence it to change its policies except for financial pressure. So please stop advertising on Facebook until they put policies into place to stop lies, hate, and disinformation from running rampant on the Facebook platform.
Where to Email or Call
Nike – [email protected], (503) 671-6453
Disney – [email protected], (818)-560-1000
McDonalds – [email protected], (800)-244-6227
AT&T – https://about.att.com/pages/media_contacts, (210) 821-4105,
KFC – [email protected], 800-CALL-KFC
Netflix – https://media.netflix.com/en/contact-us, (408) 540-3700,
Costco – 425-313-8100
TMobile – [email protected], (800)-937-8997
Anheuser Busch – https://rocketreach.co/anheuser-busch-email-format_b5c6084cf42e0c53, (212) 573-8800
IKEA – (610) 834-0180
HBO – https://www.hbo.com/about/contact-us, (212)-484-8000
Sony – http://www.corporate-office-headquarters.com/sony-corporation-of-america, (212) 833-8800
Dell – https://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/uscorp1/corporate-merchandizing/press-contact, (512)-338-4400