Category Archives: Press Room

Recent press releases issued by Media Alliance. Sometimes we’ll post newspaper, radio and broadcast interviews here as well.

Surveillance cameras to be installed along I-80, Hwy 4 in East Bay

KGO-TV  December 18, 2017

Surveillance cameras will soon be installed along stretches of Interstate 80 and Highway 4 in Contra Costa County.

“We want people to know that there’s cameras on the freeways,” said Pittsburg Police Chief Brian Addington.

It’s in response to deadly freeway shootings. Addington says cameras in the cities have pushed gang violence onto the freeways where it’s harder for police to solve the crimes.

Continue reading Surveillance cameras to be installed along I-80, Hwy 4 in East Bay

Pittsburg city council votes to allow police to monitor freeway cameras in hopes of stopping shootings

KRON TV – December 28, 2017

PITTSBURG (KRON) — The Pittsburg city council unanimously voted on Monday night to allow the police department to monitor freeway cameras in hopes of stopping the shootings plaguing the roadways.

There is an average of one car shooting per week on Bay Area freeways, and most of them are in the East Bay.

Continue reading Pittsburg city council votes to allow police to monitor freeway cameras in hopes of stopping shootings

Alameda County Sheriff Hosted ICE at Urban Shield

Originally published in the East Bay Express by Caron Creighton and Susie O’Neill

Last September, officers from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) — the investigative arm of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) — participated in Urban Shield, a controversial weekend-long SWAT training exercise and military equipment exposition organized and hosted by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office.

Recently released photographs show HSI officers taking part in the counterterrorism simulations. They depict uniformed officers standing over fake gore-spattered actors and dummies, carrying off volunteers dressed as victims or combatants and approaching an unseen combatant with weapons raised.

Continue reading Alameda County Sheriff Hosted ICE at Urban Shield

Oakland Officials and Advocacy Groups Prepare for Possible Immigration Raids


by Caron Creighton  (oringinally published at SF Gate and Oakland North

In Oakland, city officials and immigration advocacy groups are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best after an alarm was sounded earlier this month, notifying the Bay Area that federal immigration officials could be planning massive raids on undocumented immigrant communities in the coming weeks.

On January 16, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that federal immigration officials are preparing to arrest more than 1,500 undocumented people in Northern California. This news came the same day that the Oakland City Council passed a resolution further prohibiting the Oakland police department from assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in immigration enforcement operations. Continue reading Oakland Officials and Advocacy Groups Prepare for Possible Immigration Raids

Now That The FCC Has Scrapped Net Neutrality, Get Ready For The Legal Battles

By Sean Captain – Fast Company

Despite protests online and in the streets, as well as appeals from Congress (including one Republican ), the FCC voted three-to-two this morning for Republican chairman Ajit Pai’s Restoring Internet Freedom order to scrap the net neutrality rules created under his Democratic predecessor, Tom Wheeler. But that won’t settle the issue. This being America, the next round will be duked out in a courtroom.

Recent experience shows how that may shake out. In 2015, the United States Telecom Association, an industry group including ISPs like AT&T and Verizon, sued the Democratic-majority FCC (and lost, in a 2016 ruling) to overturn its net neutrality regulations. Now activist groups and some companies are getting ready to sue Trump’s FCC over the abolition of those rules. “It will be the same this time except with the roles reversed to some extent,” says Matt Wood, policy director at Free Press, an organization that supports net neutrality regulations.

“We’ve essentially promised to sue, so there’s really no mystery whether we’re involved,” says Wood, and he’ll have company. “We’re pretty likely to be a plaintiff,” says Tracy Rosenberg, executive director of the press activist organization Media Alliance. The National Hispanic Media Coalition has also announced plans to sue. Continue reading Now That The FCC Has Scrapped Net Neutrality, Get Ready For The Legal Battles

The Time For Surveillance Transparency Is Now


By Tracy Roosenberg, Originally published in Berkeleyside

The list of spying gadgets available to American law enforcement agencies in the second decade of the 21st century is vast. Drones, stingrays, iris scanners, license plate readers, FLIRS. I could keep on naming them for a long time. George Orwell’s 1984 is less of an abstract futuristic warning and more of an eerily prescient fortune cookie.

Despite their terrifying and intrusive aspects, not all uses of surveillance technology are bad. If you are lost in rough terrain, a drone may find you faster than anything else possibly could. The infrared cameras on FLIR units can find hot spots remaining from fires and explosions and prevent them from re-igniting with sometimes tragic results.

But differentiating benign and appropriate uses of powerful equipment from those that are invasive and downright unconstitutional has lagged way behind their ubiquitous use. Agency after agency, from the vast and unaccountable NSA to the NYPD and the teensy Calexico Police Department, has been exposed using spying equipment in unacceptable ways. Lack of transparency means human rights violations often don’t come to light until long afterward – or at all.

With the never-ending war on terror feeding a vast Department of Homeland Security apparatus that is now in the hands of an unstable president, the consequences of errant surveillance use can be dire for First Amendment-protected targets like journalists, mosques, DAPL/anti-pipeline activists, cannabis clubs, immigrants, and “black identity extremists,” Bulk collection devices like the license plate readers in use in many cities around the Bay Area scoop up records of our comings and goings indiscriminately and without our knowledge. Alameda County health officials just removed a previously unknown license plate reader from the parking lot of Highland Hospital’s emergency room after a public records act request revealed the machine was sending tens of thousands of license plate scans to the Homeland Security fusion center, as if seeking medical care is a crime to be reported to the IRS, the FBI, and ICE.

The collection of surveillance data and the sharing of it between local, state and federal law enforcement agencies is growing rapidly – and is subject to less oversight and regulation than your average taco truck.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Progressive communities like Berkeley can lead the way in determining what is and isn’t okay in their towns. After local residents rebelled in Santa Clara County at the planned purchase of a stingray device by their sheriff, and neighboring Oakland rose up to stop a Domain Awareness Center spying network, Californians began to implement transparency and accountability laws.

In the past 16 months, Santa Clara County has passed a comprehensive surveillance transparency and oversight ordinance, Oakland has created the most robust use policy for stingray devices in the nation, and statewide surveillance transparency reform (SB-21) came within two votes of Governor Brown’s signature, passing through six state policy committees and the entire California State Senate.

The city of Berkeley came out strongly in favor of SB-21 and implementing surveillance transparency in every city and county throughout California. The members of the current Berkeley City Council voted unanimously to endorse statewide passage in May of 2017.

Almost a year earlier, in July of 2016, the Berkeley City Council asked the Police Review Commission and Peace and Justice Commission to develop a surveillance transparency ordinance for Berkeley but customized for the city’s specific needs.

For a year and a half, the city has worked on this in consultation with regional privacy experts, culminating in the unanimous approval by all the members of both citizen commissions of the Surveillance Equipment Use and Community Safety Ordinance. It comes before the City Council on December 5 for a first reading.

The Surveillance Equipment Use and Community Safety Ordinance has a simple premise. The acquisition and use of surveillance and spying equipment and technology need to be transparent to the city’s residents and overseen by the elected governing board of the city. Existing equipment and new types that may be acquired in the future will be subject to use policies that define acceptable uses and examine privacy and civil rights impacts on the front end. Actual use is reviewed on the back end to bring to light potential problems, before abuse happens and litigation ensues, and to assess the cost to benefit ratio – i.e. is the equipment doing what we intended, are we getting our money’s worth, and is there value to public safety and the residents of Berkeley in continuing to use it?

Secret surveillance breeds paranoia in the community and invites waste and misuse. As with all of government, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Berkeley’s progressive City Council knows this. In June, it voted, again unanimously, to require that the passage of a surveillance transparency ordinance be concurrent with Berkeley’s police department’s acquisition of body cameras.

After three unanimous council votes of approval in concept, two unanimous citizens commission votes, and a yearlong dedicated subcommittee, it’s time to act and not to delay.

Berkeley, what are you waiting for?

Tracy Rosenberg is the executive director of Media Alliance, a Northern California democratic communications advocate and a member of Oakland Privacy, a regional citizens group advocating for privacy rights. She served on the Berkeley Police Review Commission subcommittee that drafted the proposed community safety legislation from August of 2016 to July of 2017.