Printed courtesy of Poor News Network and authors Guillermo Gonzalez and Gloria Esteva
I am the co-teacher of the Voces program and a migrant scholar myself and as I heard Gloria speak I realized that her words and the fact that we were even there was the actualization of what POOR Magazine/PoorNewsNetwork(PNN) along with other individuals and organizations were fighting for through testimonies in the public comment portion of the meeting of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on net neutrality at Stanford University last Thursday. Gloria’s words resonated the powerful voice of migrant raza communities and other poverty scholars that otherwise would not be represented at this meeting. Continue reading The FCC Bus: One Person’s Story→
Enclosed are MA’s comments on the FCC plan to relax cross-ownership rules and increase media consolidation, without even finishing the analysis of their own data on media ownership and diversity.
Media Alliance is also represented in this proceeding by the Institute for Public Representation (IPR) at Georgetown University.
On the good news front, after much litigation, the Federal Communications Commission finally released long-delayed Form 323 data, which tracks female and minority ownership of broadcast outlets.
On the bad news front, over 2,000 broadcast outlets failed to file the information at all, and those that did, did not report significant increases in ownership diversity.
But public data is public data and it is better to have access to the data than not, so for those who are interested, here it is.
Under intense lobbying pressure and lawsuits brought by corporate media, the federal government is now considering removing the last few media-ownership limits. These rules–intended to protect diversity of viewpoints, competition and local ownership– keep major TV networks from merging into one and prevent a single company from dominating the local TV market or owning a town’s local newspaper, TV and radio station. Continue reading ACTIVISTS FIGHT MEDIA CONSOLIDATION: FCC DROPPING OWNERSHIP LIMITS by Aliza Dichter→