Tag Archives: verizon

Verizon Abandons Fire Island: Not Yet Says The FCC


Update 8/19: The FCC rejected Verizon’s “fast track” request to not rebuild phone lines on Fire Island and forcibly transition residents to Voice-Link “wireless-only” service. Had the Commission not done so, Verizon’s request would have been automatically granted. Continue reading Verizon Abandons Fire Island: Not Yet Says The FCC

AT&T and Verizon: What Digital Divide?


by Gerry SmithHuffington Post

To help close the digital divide, the Federal Communications Commission is offering phone companies millions of dollars to expand high-speed Internet service to rural Americans.

But the nation’s two largest phone companies — AT&T and Verizon — have told the FCC to keep the money. Continue reading AT&T and Verizon: What Digital Divide?

Did The Cable Industry Pay Ralph Reed Millions of Dollars?


by Lee FangThinkProgress.org

As the New York Times and ThinkProgress have reported, Ralph Reed has returned as a force in the political world. A decade ago, Reed was a kingmaker in Republican politics and a corporate lobbyist who counted Fortune 100 companies like Enron and Microsoft as clients. His fall from grace, starting with the Jack Abramoff scandal and culminating in a humiliating loss in his run for lieutenant governor of Georgia, is apparently now behind him. Times reporter Erik Eckholm points out that Reed has successfully revived his work as an operator within the Republican Party, most notably with his ability to ensnare nearly every Republican presidential contender to a conference he’s hosting this weekend.

Continue reading Did The Cable Industry Pay Ralph Reed Millions of Dollars?