Category Archives: Internet Freedom

Digital inclusion and who controls the Internet

Choice for SF Apartment-Dwellers


Update:  Farrell’s ordinance passed the committee unanimously!

A new ordinance before SF’s Supervisors requires SF landlords to provide a choice of telecom providers to tenants.

The ordininance, which is sponsored by Supervisor Farrell, requires San Francisco property owners to allow tenants to receive services from the Internet or cable provider of their choice and prevents landlords from declaring their properties exclusive for particular carriers. Continue reading Choice for SF Apartment-Dwellers

Don’t Undermine Encryption: Apple vs. NSA


Crypto Wars 2 pit encryption advocates against the FBI which wants code written to break password protections in smartphones. Only weeks after the broad open letter was prepared: the issue broke when the FBI got a court order to compel Apple Computer to break its own smartphone encryption. Apple is fighting the order. Continue reading Don’t Undermine Encryption: Apple vs. NSA

Broadband Institute and Media Alliance Amici Brief in USTA vs FCC


The Broadband Institute of California and Media Alliance filed this amici brief in United States Telecom Assn vs FCC, one of the lawsuits seeking to overturn the February 26th net neutrality regulation passed by the Federal Communications Commission.

Continue reading Broadband Institute and Media Alliance Amici Brief in USTA vs FCC

Blog: No Slow Lanes On The Internet. Ever


by Tracy Rosenberg on February 28th, 2015

What Happened:

On February 26, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission reclassified broadband services (“the Internet”) under Title 2 ending blocking, throttling, paid prioritization fast lanes and enshrining digital equality and net neutrality as the law of the land on a 3-2 party line vote. The Commission also granted the petition from the cities of Wilson, North Carolina and Chattanooga, Tennesse striking down state laws preventing the expansion of municipal broadband networks.

Watch the meeting. Continue reading Blog: No Slow Lanes On The Internet. Ever

Bay Area Speaks: A People’s Hearing On The Internet


Posted by Tracy Rosenberg on November 21st, 2014

The second community town hall on net neutrality: thrown by the media justice community because the FCC would not.

The event took place on November 20th at SF City Hall, sponsored by Jay Nath, the CTO of the City of San Francisco, and hosted by a variety of groups including Media Alliance, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Common Cause, Free Press and the Center for Media Justice/Mag-Net.

Honored guests included former FCC commissioner Michael Copps and Oakland City Council President Pro Tem Rebecca Kaplan.

Watch the Video!


All We Want Is Equal Representation Online



November 10, 2014

Statement from Media Action Grassroots Network

Oakland, California —  A recent article in the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  is considering a legally dubious “hybrid” approach to new open Internet rules that would allow some forms of discrimination.  Communities of color and low-income families are among the more than 3.7 million people in the United States that have urged the FCC to reclassify broadband as a common carrier, and enforce Title II rules that prevent online censorship and discrimination.

Tracy Rosenberg, Director of MAGNet Member Media Alliance in Oakland, CA, said, “The courts have already thrown back awkward compromises twice. The third time won’t be the charm. Full reclassification with forbearance is the only proven road to level the playing field on the Internet our communities need”. Continue reading All We Want Is Equal Representation Online