The Bay Area’s vital response when the FCC came to town in April 2008 to hold a hearing on Comcast throttling is the subject of a new documentary “Barbershop Punk” aired at Austin’s SXSW.
They arrive at this gritty desert crossroads weary from a 13-hour train ride but determined. The promised land lies just across the railway station plaza: a large, white sign that says “Easy Connection Internet Cafe.” Continue reading Xinjiang residents cope with losing Net access→
This Media Alliance report is a compilation of several events held in the state of California in 2008 where grassroots groups and members of the community gathered to discuss the the Internet.
In East Palo Alto, we’ve realized that it’s not a case of ‘if you build it, they will come.’
Just because technology is in place doesn’t necessarily mean people will find value in it,” states Dr. Faye McNair-Knox, executive director of One East Palo Alto—an organizational member of the East Palo Alto Digital Village Program. “Working alongside groups who provide essential services to local residents has helped us to partner with individuals who have not participated to become familiar with the technology and develop their own value for it. You really have to build that whole base of value within a community for people to access technology.” Continue reading Digital Infrastructure, By the Community, For The Community→
Network Neutrality — or “Net Neutrality” for short — is the guiding principle that preserves a free and open Internet.
Put simply, Net Neutrality means no discrimination. Net Neutrality prevents Internet providers from speeding up or slowing down Web content based on its source, ownership or destination. Continue reading Net Neutrality 101→
It’s the snow that appears late at night on our TV… it can reach across oceans and mountain ranges and beyond…it has the potential to provide a channel of access to many independent broadcasters, which is why the big telecoms are trying to seize it,”explained Eloise Rose Lee, from Media Alliance based in California, one of five people speaking at “The Future of the Internet” panel at the National Conference of Media Reform held in Minneapolis last week. Continue reading The Low-Access People: Tiny Grey-Garcia’s Notes on the NCMR→
Printed courtesy of Poor News Network and authors Guillermo Gonzalez and Gloria Esteva
I sat in a dark, foreboding hall at Stanford University listening to the words of resistance of Gloria Esteva (staff writer of POOR Magazine/PoorNewsNetwork and member of the Voces de Immigrantes en Resistencia at the Race, Poverty and Media Justice Institute at POOR). As I listened I felt truly inspired. Continue reading The FCC Bus: One Person’s Story→