Tag Archives: internet

National Broadband Policy for the Twenty-First Century: Thoughts from the Grassroots


This Media Alliance report is a compilation of several events held in the state of California in 2008 where grassroots groups and members of the community gathered to discuss the the Internet.

Continue reading National Broadband Policy for the Twenty-First Century: Thoughts from the Grassroots

Digital Infrastructure, By the Community, For The Community


by Eloise Lee

In East Palo Alto, we’ve realized that it’s not a case of ‘if you build it, they will come.’

Just because technology is in place doesn’t necessarily mean people will find value in it,” states Dr. Faye McNair-Knox, executive director of One East Palo Alto—an organizational member of the East Palo Alto Digital Village Program. “Working alongside groups who provide essential services to local residents has helped us to partner with individuals who have not participated to become familiar with the technology and develop their own value for it. You really have to build that whole base of value within a community for people to access technology.” Continue reading Digital Infrastructure, By the Community, For The Community

MA Joins Vint Cerf Filing Comments In Electronic Labeling for Wireless Devices Proceeding


by Dave Taht and Vint Cerf

Media Alliance signed on to comments by Vint Cerf, oft-dubbed co-founder of the Internet, in an FCC proceeding about Electronic Labeling of Wireless Devices, a proceeding that has significant impact on open source development.  Continue reading MA Joins Vint Cerf Filing Comments In Electronic Labeling for Wireless Devices Proceeding

Open Letter to Twitter About Politwoops



Twitter shut down a tool that helps people hold politicians accountable in 29 countries around the world. The Netherlands-based civil society group Open State Foundation created Politwoops, which scans the Twitter accounts of politicians for tweets they’ve deleted. Deleted tweets can provide insight to the viewpoints of public officials, and journalists have been using Politwoops to keep representatives accountable for what they say publicly. In the spirit of transparency, Open State allowed other organizations to use the code of the tool, and use it they have, everywhere from Argentina, to Turkey, to Spain, to the United Kingdom.

Update: The campaign to save Politwoops was successful and the applications has been restored.

Continue reading Open Letter to Twitter About Politwoops

International Webtivists Question Facebook’s Internet.org



67 civil society groups around the world write open letter to Facebook questioning the Internet.org program to provide walled garden Internet service to underserved populations in the developing world.

The government of India prevented internet.org from being marketed in the country after the campaign was launched.

To join the campaign against Internet.org, click here.  Continue reading International Webtivists Question Facebook’s Internet.org